Thursday, July 22, 2010

Little village with a computer

Time: 2009 Chinese New Year holiday period (January 27 - 1 31)

Location: a rural southwest Shandong

銆??浜虹墿锛氫竴鍒氭瘯涓氬ぇ瀛︾敓銆佷竴鎵撳伐浠斻?涓?暱鏈熺敓娲诲湪鏉戝瓙閲岀殑鍐滄皯銆佷竴鏉戝共閮ㄣ?涓?皬瓒呭競搴椾富銆佷竴鍔犳补绔欏簵涓?br />
Figures: more than 3,000 households in the village without an Internet cafe; no one to install broadband; 50% of the villagers have mobile phones; 70% of young people had Internet experience

Village in our county where we should say is a relatively large village, a total of 701 people, probably more than 3,000 population, most of them young, in young people (aged 16 - 45 years) to go out to work in the village in recent years where people live richer, and also relied mainly we go out to work and earn wealth. Spring Festival is the home side must adheres to an unwritten rule, only during the Spring Festival to see that almost all people in the village, the usual time, to stay in the village are mostly elderly people and children.

We earn more money working out some of the days and let live relatively better than some, at least on hand the money to spend. Many electronic products have become necessities of everyday life, and I blog in the last article also mentioned that in our village, every home have a cell phone, especially out of working for others, almost each one, which We all must some day become the object of the.鎵嬫満鐨勬櫘鍙婃柟渚夸簡澶栧嚭鎵撳伐鑰呬笌瀹朵汉鐨勬矡閫氾紝鏂逛究浜嗘湅鍙嬩箣闂寸殑鑱旂粶锛岀粰鎴戜滑鐨勭敓娲诲甫鏉ヤ簡寰堝濂藉銆?However, most mobile phones also play phone, text messaging, mobile Internet users in addition to the occasional use of a few students, other people consider the cost for mobile phones, the Internet is almost never, and will not be online, does not know Mobile Internet can do.

However, other aspects of the information we are still very backward village. In our own population of more than 3,000 villages, almost no one installed the broadband, no one with a phone line Internet access, home computer ownership is almost zero, even if there is a few households have computers, but also the children come from outside at home, the usual days almost nobody cares, because they do not even know how to use the switch machine.鎹垜浠潙鐨勬潙骞查儴浠嬬粛锛屾垜浠潙瀛愬師鏉ユ湁涓?釜缃戝惂锛屼絾鍥犱负鏄棤鐓х粡钀ワ紝鑰屼笖涓婄綉鐨勯兘鏄湭鎴愬勾鐨勫瀛愶紝鍦ㄥ闀夸滑鐨勫娆″懠鍚佸叧闂ㄥ0涓皢杩欎釜缃戝惂鏌ュ皝浜嗐? And this cyber cafe is only 45 computers in the cafe, using ADSL Internet access, computer configuration is very low. Therefore, up to now, we are no longer the village cafes, and stay in the village who are not migrant workers do not know how, do not even know what the network is. The only Zhuangkuan Dai village is a small gas station on the network must be installed.

However, migrant workers, who know the network is more and more. In particular the 18 - 30 years old young migrant workers (probably the village's population accounts for 1 / 4), they are working in the city's leisure time is to have had the experience of the Internet cafes have QQ, will be online typing and chat, play online games, listen to music. However, from the Internet to obtain news of the few, in addition to almost never send e-mail. However, these migrant workers do not have to go home after the needs of the Internet, asked a nephew working in Shanghai, there are no Internet at home Zhuangkuan Dai, as he said most of the time of the year outside Zhuangkuan Dai no need to , home, how parents do not read, much less the Internet.

Perhaps the mobile Internet will be developed in rural areas. It has been observed in our township is the village, has put up a mobile base stations, base station as big as cities. According to the person in our village, and now mobile phone signal is getting better and better. I think that with this facility, wireless Internet may be a future trend. But the cost is not high, but also need access to the Internet.


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