Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Seagate layoffs affected 1,100 people in China: Li Xudong transferred to retire

May 26 morning news sources, Seagate announced two weeks before the 1100 plan the second round of global cuts spread to China, and Seagate Technology Marketing Director of China Xudong and four channel relationship manager, a Hong Kong sales affected resignation. Seagate May 13 evening announced, will lay off another 1,100. Seagate this, a spokesman said the Chinese company, Seagate did not disclose country-specific redundancy situation. Informed sources said the layoffs affected Chinese firms, four channel relationship manager (within the known CRM), 1 from Hong Kong China Sales and Marketing, Seagate Director of Li Xudong will leave. Seagate Chinese company spokesman said that such news would not comment. The total number of Seagate employees in China, the spokesman also declined. Yang, general manager of Seagate China early in the phone do not want to have too much evaluation. However, Seagate One staff member said he heard Li Xudong leaving, "working to this end." Seagate China, the post of director of marketing, though only a director-level titles, but by the DIY channel's strong concern in the industry.甯屾嵎鏀惰喘杩堟嫇鍚庯紝鍗犳嵁浜嗗緢楂樼殑甯傚満浠介锛岀‖浠舵槸DIY娓犻亾涓嶅彲鎴栫己鐨勪竴涓噸瑕侀儴浠讹紝涓斾环鏍煎彉鍖栬繀閫燂紝鍥犳锛岃礋璐i浂鍞笭閬撶鐞嗙殑琛岄攢閮ㄦ?鐩戜竴鐩村緢鍙桪IY娓犻亾鍏虫敞銆?Seagate The 1,100 cuts will be completed by the end of July, the annual savings of 125 million U.S. dollars for the Seagate costs.浠婂勾1鏈堬紝甯屾嵎鏇惧甯冨叏鐞冭鍛?950浜猴紝鍗犲憳宸ユ?鏁扮殑6%銆?On the same day, CEO and COO both class, Steve Luczo back at part-time chairman, CEO, and since 25% of the salary reduction.


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